
I got busted!

My mom once found my cache of pastries that I keep in my room every now and then when I'm in the mood for a particularly fattening binge. That was a fairly uncomfortable conversation.
10 years

I got busted!

Not Busted Yet...
10 years

I got busted!

Puddlehopper wrote:
bigmac wrote:
wannabefat15 wrote:
I got busted this morning by my dad for eating a big helping of 4 dozen donuts, he told me he loved me though and wants to help me growsmiley

That's so sweet of him..I've never heard of a parent helping their kid fatten up though.
sound farfetched

Also, not many people have 4 dozen donuts laying around. Sounds like something from the fiction department.
10 years

I got busted!

Did you get your Zip back?
10 years

I got busted!

vipersfate3 wrote:
I keep all my chubby girl porn on a 750MB Zip Disk. My wife was cleaning the house and found it in its case taped under my desk. Curious, she put it in and found all of my chubby girl porn. she still isnt speaking to me.

Perhaps she is skinny and jealous?
10 years

I got busted!

I meant the "skinny and jealous" comment to be humorous. We can't change what gets us going. It would be like trying to coax a gay dude straight - not gonna happen.

If she can't accept that she's not the only thing that does it for you, your situation is not likely to improve. You're in no way being unreasonable by viewing porn. More than likely she's hurt by the secretive nature of concealing it on a hidden disk drive, rather than the fact that you find chubby porn arousing.

I could be wrong, but I doubt anyone here gets aroused solely by their wife, girlfriend, etc. If that were the case, the porn business would cease to exist.
10 years

I got busted!

vipersfate3 wrote:
She's mad I have a fetish. she said shed be just as mad if it were women with big tits or if it were all black girls or all redheads. shes mad that it takes more to get me off than just a female.

According to Dan Savage, the way a lot of couples work this out is the man pretends he doesn't look at porn, and the woman pretends to believe him!
10 years

I got busted!

It's better to be open about porn from the start. If your partner is disgusted by it, you're not likely going to change her opinion. Telling lies and keeping secrets is a recipe for failure in my opinion.
9 years

I got busted!

I haven't been busted yet, but I had kind of an awkward moment before...

I was on break at work, eating pizza with a couple of girls I worked with, and a guy co-worker says "you're getting fat from all that pizza".

One of the girls immediately chided him for being mean, and he shrugged and said "it's okay... he likes it when people call him fat".

There was some immediate panic, as I thought maybe he's on this site and he saw me or something, but it never came up again. As for his comments... it wasn't really mean-spirited... he is from another country and has a propensity to say some really off the wall stuff - so it was probably just a very strange coincidence.

Another possible disaster I had recently... I had a binge on pizza, donuts and chocolate milk one night. The next morning, I had the trash bundled up and ready to go out on my way to work. Somehow in the process I got distracted, and realized about an hour into my shift... I left the empty pizza/donut/chocolate milk cartons right smack out in the open for my roommate to see.

Came home at the end of the day expecting awkward questions - found my roommate had decided to sleep the day away. Destroyed evidence. I was relieved, because I'm not sure how I explain eating an entire pizza, six donuts and six 14 oz bottles of chocolate milk.
9 years

I got busted!

There could be a positive result long term here. Sure you wife is upset now, but I have never seen a women end a marriage to a husband she loves because she has discovered his porn stash.
I take it you love curvy chick eye candy,,, (I do too :-)), no doubt some of the women in your stash are bigger than your wife, who I assume is plump any way ? Now she will know what you really desire and know that to keep you a happy husband she no longer needs to diet or worry whether she is getting a little to big for you. So your "fantasy feeder" dreams may become a reality in the near future. Don't worry a little time will heal your trouble with your wife.
9 years
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